WijWillenWonen in WoenselWest

2014 / 0 comments

WijWillenWoneninWoenselWest is a series of informal gatherings for potential and future residents of the new housing in Volta Galvani, Woensel West. The aim is to bring together an active, involved and socially close group of future neighbours, consisting of buyers, tenants, original and new residents of Woensel West, who are to share responsibility for ‘their’…

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2011 / 0 comments

TUSSENBUUR is a ‘permeable garden separator’ which can be bought per running meter. Where it creates a boundary to humans, it connects gardens to small animals and insects. By using a double knitting technique, a space is created within the fencing where, for example, birds could make their nests. The varying materials also create sustenance…

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2011 / 0 comments

In current society, time is regarded as being scarce. We prefer to use it as economically as possible. Thanks to all kinds of technologies, we combine as many possibly activities in as little possible time. Even our hard-earned spare time is meant to be enjoyed as intensely as possible, not five minutes are to be…

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Design Circus

2010 / 0 comments

A mini-festival during the Dutch Design Week that took place in the temporary public park on the barren terrain of Volta Galvani. Nine days of activities in which the paths of local residents, designers and guests of the Dutch Design Week crossed each other in and around a big circus tent. The activities consisted of,…

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New Skyline of Eindhoven

2009 / 0 comments

NEW SKYLINE is a spatial research exploring the influence of food culture in the urban landscape and a reflection on an artificial hill next to Eindhoven which was created out of dumped garbage. The hill is in use as a leisure area,  with a golf course and biking trail, where young couples enjoy the skyline of…

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2009 / 0 comments

The Museumstraat (or Museum Street) was an open-air exhibition on the boarded facades of abandoned houses in Volta Galvani, Woensel West, awaiting demolition. In the manner of a public archive, the Museumstraat tells about the history and the personal stories that have taken place in this part of the district. Some of the empty homes…

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Hanging Table

2009 / 0 comments

Jewels & Joules was an exhibition at the Salone del Mobile Milano 2009 organised by Brainport Eindhoven and Design Academy Eindhoven. As part of a design research about ‘Food’ students from the Design Academy presented the ‘Brabantse koffietafel’ and developed the food that was served during the exhibition. The ‘Koffietafel’, or coffee table, is an…

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2008 / 0 comments

Stichting VERS focused on projects that make the urban development more socially embedded, and hence socially sustainable, through creative thinking, social design and creating events in collaboration with local residents and/or entrepreneurs, corporations and the municipality. VERS was a foundation and a collective of designers located in a former Turkish supermarket and butchery in Woensel…

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2008 / 0 comments

TEA – a social experiment as part of a design research on the use of public space in the Kanaalstraat, Utrecht. This street, with her many exotic shops, is becoming more and more popular amongst a young, highly educated and often creative group of people and is therefore the lively heart of the gentrifying district Lombok. Much…

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Guerilla Ballroom

2008 / 0 comments

What is needed to transform a piece of urban no-man’s land into a public ballroom? In this social and spatial experiment shoes with pieces of flint underneath heels and toe shine a new light on the street and give this inferior urban space a new, social and lively function. The unused piece of public space…

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