Landmakerskabinet presented during the NOVI lancering 2020


2021 / 0 comments

The ‘Landmakerskabinet’ is an installation of (fictive) tools that support ways of working on a future, more sustainable, cooperative and holistic practice and environment. It makes complex challenges tangible and manageable in a visual and slightly humouristic way. As such, the ‘Landmakerskabinet’ provides language and images to address the thresholds and pitfalls in the practice…

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WijWillenWonen in WoenselWest

2014 / 0 comments

WijWillenWoneninWoenselWest is a series of informal gatherings for potential and future residents of the new housing in Volta Galvani, Woensel West. The aim is to bring together an active, involved and socially close group of future neighbours, consisting of buyers, tenants, original and new residents of Woensel West, who are to share responsibility for ‘their’…

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2011 / 0 comments

In current society, time is regarded as being scarce. We prefer to use it as economically as possible. Thanks to all kinds of technologies, we combine as many possibly activities in as little possible time. Even our hard-earned spare time is meant to be enjoyed as intensely as possible, not five minutes are to be…

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Hanging Table

2009 / 0 comments

Jewels & Joules was an exhibition at the Salone del Mobile Milano 2009 organised by Brainport Eindhoven and Design Academy Eindhoven. As part of a design research about ‘Food’ students from the Design Academy presented the ‘Brabantse koffietafel’ and developed the food that was served during the exhibition. The ‘Koffietafel’, or coffee table, is an…

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Raw // Rotten

2007 / 0 comments

Conceptual lunch during a presentation on waste, re-use and sustainability. Offering various fruits and vegetables, presented in a line that showed a gradual transformation from from unripe to rotten products, we explored pre-occupations of people towards (fresh) food. What do people consider to be the most attractive? What do they consider to be waste? During the lunch…

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