
2022 / 0 comments

The Stadsbosdoolhof was used as a participation tool to broaden the dialogue with citizens and users of the city of Eindhoven about the vision development for the Stadsbos and the Wielewaal. It popped up at several places within the city, inviting spontaneous dialogues on dilemmas, values and ideas for the future use of the Stadsbos…

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Design Circus

2010 / 0 comments

A mini-festival during the Dutch Design Week that took place in the temporary public park on the barren terrain of Volta Galvani. Nine days of activities in which the paths of local residents, designers and guests of the Dutch Design Week crossed each other in and around a big circus tent. The activities consisted of,…

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2008 / 0 comments

Stichting VERS focused on projects that make the urban development more socially embedded, and hence socially sustainable, through creative thinking, social design and creating events in collaboration with local residents and/or entrepreneurs, corporations and the municipality. VERS was a foundation and a collective of designers located in a former Turkish supermarket and butchery in Woensel…

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Guerilla Ballroom

2008 / 0 comments

What is needed to transform a piece of urban no-man’s land into a public ballroom? In this social and spatial experiment shoes with pieces of flint underneath heels and toe shine a new light on the street and give this inferior urban space a new, social and lively function. The unused piece of public space…

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