
2022 / 0 comments

The Stadsbosdoolhof was used as a participation tool to broaden the dialogue with citizens and users of the city of Eindhoven about the vision development for the Stadsbos and the Wielewaal. It popped up at several places within the city, inviting spontaneous dialogues on dilemmas, values and ideas for the future use of the Stadsbos…

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The Wise City – summer school

2015 / 0 comments

From smart to wise To widen the debate about the future of the sustainable city and the focus on developing ‘Smart Cities’, the conceptual notion of The Wise City creates space for discussion about the paradigm shift and essential assets The Wise City should entail. What is needed for and in the Wise City is tested…

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WijWillenWonen in WoenselWest

2014 / 0 comments

WijWillenWoneninWoenselWest is a series of informal gatherings for potential and future residents of the new housing in Volta Galvani, Woensel West. The aim is to bring together an active, involved and socially close group of future neighbours, consisting of buyers, tenants, original and new residents of Woensel West, who are to share responsibility for ‘their’…

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2008 / 0 comments

TEA – a social experiment as part of a design research on the use of public space in the Kanaalstraat, Utrecht. This street, with her many exotic shops, is becoming more and more popular amongst a young, highly educated and often creative group of people and is therefore the lively heart of the gentrifying district Lombok. Much…

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Guerilla Ballroom

2008 / 0 comments

What is needed to transform a piece of urban no-man’s land into a public ballroom? In this social and spatial experiment shoes with pieces of flint underneath heels and toe shine a new light on the street and give this inferior urban space a new, social and lively function. The unused piece of public space…

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