Expedition ‘Mind the Gap’

2016 / 0 comments

A fieldwork expedition in the framework of ‘Mind the Gap’ a study and exploration of future societal developments concerning growing inequality, segregation and polarisation within the province of Noord Brabant, the Netherlands. Mind the Gap is initiated and commissioned by Brabant Kennis. In collaboration with Anne van Strien, I developed a tandem bicycle equipped with…

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WijWillenWonen in WoenselWest

2014 / 0 comments

WijWillenWoneninWoenselWest is a series of informal gatherings for potential and future residents of the new housing in Volta Galvani, Woensel West. The aim is to bring together an active, involved and socially close group of future neighbours, consisting of buyers, tenants, original and new residents of Woensel West, who are to share responsibility for ‘their’…

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2008 / 0 comments

Stichting VERS focused on projects that make the urban development more socially embedded, and hence socially sustainable, through creative thinking, social design and creating events in collaboration with local residents and/or entrepreneurs, corporations and the municipality. VERS was a foundation and a collective of designers located in a former Turkish supermarket and butchery in Woensel…

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